Siamo stati condizionati a credere che è difficile curare i denti danneggiati, ma questo non è del tutto vero. La chiave sta nel riuscire a intervenire al momento giusto in modo da prevenire il decadimento dei denti. Meglio ancora, sarebbe prevenirle.
Prevenire la cariela frequente esposizione ad alimenti ricchi di zucchero permette ai batteri di usarli per creare più acido che aggredisce lo smalto dei denti affrettando il loro decadimento. Così, cambiando la vostra dieta, è possibile risolvere il problema o prevenire ulteriori carie in via di sviluppo. Ecco come:Vacci piano con dolci, caramelle e cioccolato.Evitare gli alimenti con zuccheri nascosti come gli alimenti trasformati e gli snack confezionati.Evitare succhi di frutta e bevande gassate - che sono ricche di zuccheri.
Ridurre le carieUna carie è un problema doloroso che è necessario affrontare con un trattamento canalare, o un'estrazione del dente intero, se le cose sfuggano di mano. Ma non disperate ancora! Prima che la carie abbia arrecato danni permanenti, potete seguire questi semplici passaggi per arrestare i danni allo smalto dei vostri denti. Se si interviene al momento giusto, si può anche invertire il processo di decadimento.
Oil pullingE' una tecnica ayurvedica molto efficace per aiutare a mantenere i denti in buone condizioni. Consiste nel tenere un cucchiaio di olio in bocca per circa 20 minuti. L'olio di sesamo è l'ideale, ma si può anche usare olio di cocco o di girasole. Quando fatto a stomaco vuoto questo processo tira fuori tutte le tossine nel corpo e migliora la salute del cavo orale.
Una dieta amica dei dentiPer denti e ossa sani, abbiamo bisogno di una dieta ricca di vitamine e minerali liposolubili. Quindi, mangiare un sacco di alimenti ricchi di calcio e vitamina D come frutti di mare, latticini, soia e verdure a foglia verde per contribuire a rendere i denti più forti.
Alimenti consigliati in AyurvedaLa senape come ingrediente alimentare e come olio di cottura è raccomandato dall'Ayurveda per le sue proprietà nel guarire le carie. Allo stesso modo, amla e liquirizia promuovono un'azione anti-carie.
Cibi alcaliniNeutralizzare la natura acida della saliva può prevenire l'erosione dei nostri denti. Un ambiente alcalino è anche preferito da batteri “buoni” e sopprime la crescita di batteri cariogeni.
Pertanto è bene consumare più alimenti alcalini come le verdure crocifere, verdure a foglia verde, peperoni di Caienna, e aglio.
Esposizione al soleLa vitamina D prodotta esponendo il vostro corpo alla luce diretta del sole contrasta i batteri legati alla formazione delle carie.
Oil Pulling Oil pulling is a very effective Ayurvedic technique to help keep your teeth in good condition. It involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth for about 20 minutes. Sesame oil is preferred, but you can also try coconut or sunflower oil. When done on an empty stomach this process pulls out all toxins in the body and improves oral health. This, in turn, helps if you’re trying to avoid a cavity or prevent one from getting worse.4 Tooth-Friendly Diet Many practitioners confirm that dental health is totally under our control through the food we eat and its nutritional value.5 For healthy teeth and bones, we need a diet rich in fat-soluble vitamins and minerals. So eat plenty of calcium- and vitamin D-rich food like seafood, dairy, fortified foods, soy, and green leafy vegetables to help make your teeth stronger. As one study showed, diet can make a considerable difference. A group of children with caries was given a cereal-free, vitamin D- and calcium-rich diet for 6 months. The formation and spread of active caries were significantly reduced by this diet – high in nutrients and low in processed food.6 Foods Recommended By Ayurveda Mustard as a food ingredient and as a cooking oil is recommended by Ayurveda for its oral cavity healing properties.7. Similarly, amla and licorice rebuild oral health and promote anti-cavity actions. Include them in your diet for a natural way to strengthen your teeth and keep them cavity-free. Alkaline Foods Neutralizing the acidic nature of saliva can prevent the erosion of our teeth. Scientific work on dental films clearly indicates that oral alkali production can be very effective in managing caries. It directly increases the pH value of dental plaque, causing it to work toward remineralization and away from decay. An alkaline environment is also preferred by “good” bacteria and it suppresses the growth of cariogenic bacteria, that is, tooth decay-causing bacteria.8 The trick is to up alkali levels to compensate for the erosive acidic nature of digestive acids. How can you do this? By consuming more alkaline foods like cruciferous vegetables, green leafy vegetables, cayenne peppers, and garlic.9 Sunshine Vitamin D produced by exposing your body to direct sunlight induces cathelicidin, an antimicrobial peptide. This counters oral bacteria linked to dental caries.10 Get your daily dose of sunshine to keep the bad bacteria at bay. Advertisement The Fluoride Option According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, one way to reverse enamel decay is to use fluoride. It blocks the loss of minerals from your enamel and thwarts attempts by bacteria to generate that cavity-causing acid. Fluoride may even help by replacing some of that lost mineral content.11 According to the Institute, fluoride in your water supply should be able to help. But those prone to cavities can also try a fluoride toothpaste/mouth rinse and a fluoride varnish. However, due to the intense controversy and (unresolved) debate around fluoride usage, whether or not you would try this remains a personal choice. In short, preventive care may be your best bet if you’re unsure about which side you’re on in the fluoride debate. Remember, if a cavity has already struck, a trip to the dentist may not be avoidable. But you can limit the damage by following these simple steps and paying a little extra attention to your pearly whites.
Definizioni di Oil Pulling Oil pulling is a very effective Ayurvedic technique to help keep your teeth in good condition. It involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth for about 20 minutes. Sesame oil is preferred, but you can also try coconut or sunflower oil. When done on an empty stomach this process pulls out all toxins in the body and improves oral health. This, in turn, helps if you’re trying to avoid a cavity or prevent one from getting worse.4 Tooth-Friendly Diet Many practitioners confirm that dental health is totally under our control through the food we eat and its nutritional value.5 For healthy teeth and bones, we need a diet rich in fat-soluble vitamins and minerals. So eat plenty of calcium- and vitamin D-rich food like seafood, dairy, fortified foods, soy, and green leafy vegetables to help make your teeth stronger. As one study showed, diet can make a considerable difference. A group of children with caries was given a cereal-free, vitamin D- and calcium-rich diet for 6 months. The formation and spread of active caries were significantly reduced by this diet – high in nutrients and low in processed food.6 Foods Recommended By Ayurveda Mustard as a food ingredient and as a cooking oil is recommended by Ayurveda for its oral cavity healing properties.7. Similarly, amla and licorice rebuild oral health and promote anti-cavity actions. Include them in your diet for a natural way to strengthen your teeth and keep them cavity-free. Alkaline Foods Neutralizing the acidic nature of saliva can prevent the erosion of our teeth. Scientific work on dental films clearly indicates that oral alkali production can be very effective in managing caries. It directly increases the pH value of dental plaque, causing it to work toward remineralization and away from decay. An alkaline environment is also preferred by “good” bacteria and it suppresses the growth of cariogenic bacteria, that is, tooth decay-causing bacteria.8 The trick is to up alkali levels to compensate for the erosive acidic nature of digestive acids. How can you do this? By consuming more alkaline foods like cruciferous vegetables, green leafy vegetables, cayenne peppers, and garlic.9 Sunshine Vitamin D produced by exposing your body to direct sunlight induces cathelicidin, an antimicrobial peptide. This counters oral bacteria linked to dental caries.10 Get your daily dose of sunshine to keep the bad bacteria at bay. Advertisement The Fluoride Option According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, one way to reverse enamel decay is to use fluoride. It blocks the loss of minerals from your enamel and thwarts attempts by bacteria to generate that cavity-causing acid. Fluoride may even help by replacing some of that lost mineral content.11 According to the Institute, fluoride in your water supply should be able to help. But those prone to cavities can also try a fluoride toothpaste/mouth rinse and a fluoride varnish. However, due to the intense controversy and (unresolved) debate around fluoride usage, whether or not you would try this remains a personal choice. In short, preventive care may be your best bet if you’re unsure about which side you’re on in the fluoride debate. Remember, if a cavity has already struck, a trip to the dentist may not be avoidable. But you can limit the damage by following these simple steps and paying a little extra attention to your pearly whites.
Sinonimi di Oil Pulling Oil pulling is a very effective Ayurvedic technique to help keep your teeth in good condition. It involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth for about 20 minutes. Sesame oil is preferred, but you can also try coconut or sunflower oil. When done on an empty stomach this process pulls out all toxins in the body and improves oral health. This, in turn, helps if you’re trying to avoid a cavity or prevent one from getting worse.4 Tooth-Friendly Diet Many practitioners confirm that dental health is totally under our control through the food we eat and its nutritional value.5 For healthy teeth and bones, we need a diet rich in fat-soluble vitamins and minerals. So eat plenty of calcium- and vitamin D-rich food like seafood, dairy, fortified foods, soy, and green leafy vegetables to help make your teeth stronger. As one study showed, diet can make a considerable difference. A group of children with caries was given a cereal-free, vitamin D- and calcium-rich diet for 6 months. The formation and spread of active caries were significantly reduced by this diet – high in nutrients and low in processed food.6 Foods Recommended By Ayurveda Mustard as a food ingredient and as a cooking oil is recommended by Ayurveda for its oral cavity healing properties.7. Similarly, amla and licorice rebuild oral health and promote anti-cavity actions. Include them in your diet for a natural way to strengthen your teeth and keep them cavity-free. Alkaline Foods Neutralizing the acidic nature of saliva can prevent the erosion of our teeth. Scientific work on dental films clearly indicates that oral alkali production can be very effective in managing caries. It directly increases the pH value of dental plaque, causing it to work toward remineralization and away from decay. An alkaline environment is also preferred by “good” bacteria and it suppresses the growth of cariogenic bacteria, that is, tooth decay-causing bacteria.8 The trick is to up alkali levels to compensate for the erosive acidic nature of digestive acids. How can you do this? By consuming more alkaline foods like cruciferous vegetables, green leafy vegetables, cayenne peppers, and garlic.9 Sunshine Vitamin D produced by exposing your body to direct sunlight induces cathelicidin, an antimicrobial peptide. This counters oral bacteria linked to dental caries.10 Get your daily dose of sunshine to keep the bad bacteria at bay. Advertisement The Fluoride Option According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, one way to reverse enamel decay is to use fluoride. It blocks the loss of minerals from your enamel and thwarts attempts by bacteria to generate that cavity-causing acid. Fluoride may even help by replacing some of that lost mineral content.11 According to the Institute, fluoride in your water supply should be able to help. But those prone to cavities can also try a fluoride toothpaste/mouth rinse and a fluoride varnish. However, due to the intense controversy and (unresolved) debate around fluoride usage, whether or not you would try this remains a personal choice. In short, preventive care may be your best bet if you’re unsure about which side you’re on in the fluoride debate. Remember, if a cavity has already struck, a trip to the dentist may not be avoidable. But you can limit the damage by following these simple steps and paying a little extra attention to your pearly whites.
Esempi per Oil Pulling Oil pulling is a very effective Ayurvedic technique to help keep your teeth in good condition. It involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth for about 20 minutes. Sesame oil is preferred, but you can also try coconut or sunflower oil. When done on an empty stomach this process pulls out all toxins in the body and improves oral health. This, in turn, helps if you’re trying to avoid a cavity or prevent one from getting worse.4 Tooth-Friendly Diet Many practitioners confirm that dental health is totally under our control through the food we eat and its nutritional value.5 For healthy teeth and bones, we need a diet rich in fat-soluble vitamins and minerals. So eat plenty of calcium- and vitamin D-rich food like seafood, dairy, fortified foods, soy, and green leafy vegetables to help make your teeth stronger. As one study showed, diet can make a considerable difference. A group of children with caries was given a cereal-free, vitamin D- and calcium-rich diet for 6 months. The formation and spread of active caries were significantly reduced by this diet – high in nutrients and low in processed food.6 Foods Recommended By Ayurveda Mustard as a food ingredient and as a cooking oil is recommended by Ayurveda for its oral cavity healing properties.7. Similarly, amla and licorice rebuild oral health and promote anti-cavity actions. Include them in your diet for a natural way to strengthen your teeth and keep them cavity-free. Alkaline Foods Neutralizing the acidic nature of saliva can prevent the erosion of our teeth. Scientific work on dental films clearly indicates that oral alkali production can be very effective in managing caries. It directly increases the pH value of dental plaque, causing it to work toward remineralization and away from decay. An alkaline environment is also preferred by “good” bacteria and it suppresses the growth of cariogenic bacteria, that is, tooth decay-causing bacteria.8 The trick is to up alkali levels to compensate for the erosive acidic nature of digestive acids. How can you do this? By consuming more alkaline foods like cruciferous vegetables, green leafy vegetables, cayenne peppers, and garlic.9 Sunshine Vitamin D produced by exposing your body to direct sunlight induces cathelicidin, an antimicrobial peptide. This counters oral bacteria linked to dental caries.10 Get your daily dose of sunshine to keep the bad bacteria at bay. Advertisement The Fluoride Option According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, one way to reverse enamel decay is to use fluoride. It blocks the loss of minerals from your enamel and thwarts attempts by bacteria to generate that cavity-causing acid. Fluoride may even help by replacing some of that lost mineral content.11 According to the Institute, fluoride in your water supply should be able to help. But those prone to cavities can also try a fluoride toothpaste/mouth rinse and a fluoride varnish. However, due to the intense controversy and (unresolved) debate around fluoride usage, whether or not you would try this remains a personal choice. In short, preventive care may be your best bet if you’re unsure about which side you’re on in the fluoride debate. Remember, if a cavity has already struck, a trip to the dentist may not be avoidable. But you can limit the damage by following these simple steps and paying a little extra attention to your pearly whites.
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Traduzioni di Oil Pulling Oil pulling is a very effective Ayurvedic technique to help keep your teeth in good condition. It involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth for about 20 minutes. Sesame oil is preferred, but you can also try coconut or sunflower oil. When done on an empty stomach this process pulls out all toxins in the body and improves oral health. This, in turn, helps if you’re trying to avoid a cavity or prevent one from getting worse.4 Tooth-Friendly Diet Many practitioners confirm that dental health is totally under our control through the food we eat and its nutritional value.5 For healthy teeth and bones, we need a diet rich in fat-soluble vitamins and minerals. So eat plenty of calcium- and vitamin D-rich food like seafood, dairy, fortified foods, soy, and green leafy vegetables to help make your teeth stronger. As one study showed, diet can make a considerable difference. A group of children with caries was given a cereal-free, vitamin D- and calcium-rich diet for 6 months. The formation and spread of active caries were significantly reduced by this diet – high in nutrients and low in processed food.6 Foods Recommended By Ayurveda Mustard as a food ingredient and as a cooking oil is recommended by Ayurveda for its oral cavity healing properties.7. Similarly, amla and licorice rebuild oral health and promote anti-cavity actions. Include them in your diet for a natural way to strengthen your teeth and keep them cavity-free. Alkaline Foods Neutralizing the acidic nature of saliva can prevent the erosion of our teeth. Scientific work on dental films clearly indicates that oral alkali production can be very effective in managing caries. It directly increases the pH value of dental plaque, causing it to work toward remineralization and away from decay. An alkaline environment is also preferred by “good” bacteria and it suppresses the growth of cariogenic bacteria, that is, tooth decay-causing bacteria.8 The trick is to up alkali levels to compensate for the erosive acidic nature of digestive acids. How can you do this? By consuming more alkaline foods like cruciferous vegetables, green leafy vegetables, cayenne peppers, and garlic.9 Sunshine Vitamin D produced by exposing your body to direct sunlight induces cathelicidin, an antimicrobial peptide. This counters oral bacteria linked to dental caries.10 Get your daily dose of sunshine to keep the bad bacteria at bay. Advertisement The Fluoride Option According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, one way to reverse enamel decay is to use fluoride. It blocks the loss of minerals from your enamel and thwarts attempts by bacteria to generate that cavity-causing acid. Fluoride may even help by replacing some of that lost mineral content.11 According to the Institute, fluoride in your water supply should be able to help. But those prone to cavities can also try a fluoride toothpaste/mouth rinse and a fluoride varnish. However, due to the intense controversy and (unresolved) debate around fluoride usage, whether or not you would try this remains a personal choice. In short, preventive care may be your best bet if you’re unsure about which side you’re on in the fluoride debate. Remember, if a cavity has already struck, a trip to the dentist may not be avoidable. But you can limit the damage by following these simple steps and paying a little extra attention to your pearly whites.
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